
The supply and demand of DDIC are expected to ease in 2022, and OLED driver IC will remain tight

发布时间: 2021/10/25 关注度: 422

Entering the second half of 2021, the impact of the epidemic's dividend has gradually weakened, and market demand for consumer electronics has begun to decline. The display panel ended the longest upward cycle in history, and the panel price also experienced various degrees of correction. The changes in the prosperity of the display panel market have an important impact on the display driver IC (DDIC) market. According to the latest data from Sigmaintell, the global demand for DDIC is expected to be 8.51 billion in 2021, an increase of 7.4% YoY. Looking forward to next year, as panel demand gradually declines, the growth rate of DDIC demand will further callback. The demand for DDIC is expected to be approximately 8.62 billion in 2022, a slight increase of approximately 1.3% YoY.

View 1: The overall supply and demand tend to be balanced, but there are still structural risks.

From the perspective of supply and demand, according to Sigmaintell's supply and demand model calculations, with the gradual release of new wafer capacity by mainland and Taiwan manufacturers, and the possibility of demand callbacks increasing, it is expected that the global supply-demand ratio of DDIC will turn to positive from 22Q1 (the supply-demand ratio for the whole year will be changed from -4.4% this year to 2.7% next year), and the supply-demand relationship will gradually ease. The overall state is in balance, but there are still seasonal fluctuations and structural risks. In the second half of 2022, with the arrival of the consumer electronics peak season, the supply-demand ratio of DDIC is expected to narrow to a tight balance. In terms of structure, the supply and demand risks of OLED are worthy of attention.


View 2: Despite the slowdown in demand growth and ongoing supply growth, overall OLED driver IC supply and demand are still tight.

As the demand for OLED panels has strengthened year by year, the supply and demand of OLED driver IC have attracted much attention. From an application perspective, smartphones are still the main application market for OLED driver IC. According to Sigmaintell's calculation data, the demand of smartphone OLED driver IC in 2021 will account for approximately 66% of the overall global demand of OLED driver IC, which is the main application market for OLED driver IC. As we all know, OLED driver IC for smartphones mainly use 28/40(45)nm process technology, which can produce a wider product line at this process node. In addition to OLED driver IC, it also includes CMOS chips, WiFi module chips, Bluetooth chips, etc. At present, the global capacity foundry is mainly concentrated in fabs such as Samsung, UMC, TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and SMIC.

1. Demand: Affected by high inventory, it is expected that the growth rate of overall OLED panel demand will slow down next year.

Driven by leading brands such as Apple and Xiaomi, the overall demand for smartphone OLED panels is expected to maintain a positive growth trend in 2022. However, due to the accumulation of high inventory this year, the demand for OLED panels of some mobile brands in 2022 is lower than expected. According to Sigmaintell data, the global demand for OLED smartphone panels is estimated to be approximately 660 million in 2022, a YoY growth rate of about 8.0%, which is lower than the growth rate in 2021.


2. On the supply side: wafer foundries in Taiwan and the mainland have increased their 28nm/40nm capacity supply, and the supply of OLED driver IC has gradually increased.

The supply change of driver IC is closely related to the capacity allocation strategy of the foundry. With UMC, TSMC, SMIC, and other fabs increasing 28/40nm capacity, it is estimated that the global OLED driver IC capacity supply will increase by approximately 15.2% in 2022, and overall supply and demand will be significantly improved compared to 2021.

At present, the design houses supplying OLED driver IC for smartphones are mainly Korean fabless (including Samsung/Siliconworks/Magnachip/Anapass, etc.) and Taiwan fabless (including Novatek/Raydium, etc.).  Mainland design houses including Hisilicon, Chipone, Eswin, and others are speeding up the mass production process of OLED driver IC.

Looking forward to 2022, the main partners of Korean design houses are still Korean panel makers, and the main sources of OLED driver IC supply for mainland panel makers are Taiwanese makers Novatek and Raydium.


According to its disclosed data, Novatek's revenue in 21Q2 is approximately US$1.22 billion, an increase of about 82.3% YoY. Benefited from the increase in the price of DDIC, its operating profit is approximately US$430 million, an increase of nearly three times YoY. In addition, relying on UMC's capacity, Novatek's 28/40nm process OLED driver IC products have gradually increased shipments since 21Q2, and shipments will be more in 21Q3. Looking forward to 2022, with the gradual release of UMC 28nm capacity, Novatek will obtain more 28nm capacity for the production of OLED driver IC, thereby increasing the effective supply of OLED driver IC throughout the year.


According to its disclosed data, in the first half of 2021, its operating income reaches approximately US$410 million, its operating profit is about US$79 million, and its operating profit margin is about 19.1%. Benefited from the verification of its latest high-frequency OLED driver IC, Raydium is also actively striving for the production of TSMC and domestic SMIC. It is expected that it will contribute at least 10 million OLED driver IC, becoming one of the main suppliers of OLED driver IC.


In summary, the continuous supply and demand imbalance in the first half of 2021, superimposed on the supply chain run-on effect, the price of OLED driver IC has risen sharply QoQ. Entering the fourth quarter, OLED panels are still in high demand driven by the stocking of iPhone13. According to the calculation data of Sigmaintell, the global demand for OLED smartphone driver IC wafers is expected to be approximately 753,000 (Equi.12 inch) in 2022, an increase of about 9.6% YoY. At the same time, it is estimated that the global supply of 28/40(45)nm DDIC wafers will be about 74 million wafers (Equi.12 inch) in 2022, an increase of about 15.2% YoY. The overall supply-demand ratio in 2022 is expected to be -1.8%. Based on this, Sigmaintell predicts that because of the slowdown in demand growth and the continuous increase in the supply side, it is expected that the supply and demand situation in 2022 will be better than in 2021, but it will remain tight. The price of OLED driver IC will also continue to remain high, and the possibility of price reductions in the short term is low. It is recommended that downstream manufacturers still adopt an active supply chain strategy.






从供需角度分析,根据群智咨询(Sigmaintell)供需模型测算,随着大陆及台厂的新增晶圆产能逐步释放以及需求回调可能性增大,预计全球显示驱动IC的供需比有望在2022年一季度开始转正 (全年供需比从今年的-4.4%转为明年的2.7%),供需关系逐步得到缓解,总体呈现平衡状态,但仍存季节性波动和结构性风险;预计2022年下半年随着消费电子旺季备货来临,显示驱动IC供需比将收窄到平衡偏紧水平。在结构方面,OLED的供需风险值得关注。



1. 需求方面:高库存影响,预计明年整体OLED面板需求增速放缓


2. 供应层面:台系及大陆晶圆厂增加28nm/40nm产能供应,OLED驱动IC供应逐步增加









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