
Entering the inventory adjustment period, the DDIC oversupplied, and the foundry utilization rate declined

发布时间: 2022/11/01 关注度: 340

Entering 22Q4, the end demand for consumer electronics still has no recovery momentum, and the price of display driver chips (DDICs) continues to decline. At the same time, the pressure of order cuts has been fully transmitted from downstream to the foundry OEM. Sigmaintell believes that the supply and demand relationship of DDICs has reversed. The industry needs a long inventory adjustment cycle to adapt to the rapid decline in demand. The cold winter in the DDIC market may continue until the end of 2023.

Demand side: end demand is weak, and destocking is the main tune
Since the beginning of 2022, affected by factors such as the epidemic and geopolitics, the global economic growth rate has slowed. The International Monetary Fund once again lowered its global economic growth forecast. The October report forecasts the global economy to grow by 3.2% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. Compared with the forecast in January, the forecast has been lowered by 1.2 and 1.1 %, respectively.

Due to the current overdraft of demand, followed by low consumer confidence, end demand for consumer electronics became weak, and inventory levels of end brands were also high. Downstream makers had to cut orders to digest inventory levels. Considering the long-term contract and partnership with the foundry,  fabless companies‘  action of order-cuts was late. However, as consumer electronics and the overall semiconductor market have turned into a downward cycle, fabless was also facing inventory pressure and has begun to adjust its price strategy and wafer volume. According to Sigmaintell’s data, in 2022, the demand for DDICs for TVs, monitors, PCs, and smartphones will all show a YoY decline of more than 10%. As the set, panel, and chip makers are all destocking. In terms of end inventory, it is expected that after entering the traditional peak season of the end in 22Q4, the end inventory of consumer electronics will gradually decrease.

Despite the gradual decline in inventory levels, end-brand demand has not recovered enough in the short term. According to Sigmaintell’s research data, the global wafer demand for DDICs in 2022 will be 252K/month, a significant decline from 286K/month in 2021. In 2022, the supply-demand ratio of the global DDIC market will be 11.6%, compared with -0.6% in 2021, and the supply-demand relationship has changed from a shortage of supply to a situation of oversupply. Sigmaintell forecasts that demand will rebound and the supply-demand ratio will ease slightly in 2023. However, the supply and demand relationship tends to balance will be after 23Q3.

Supply side: foundry utilization rate declines, OEM prices loosen
Driven by the shortage of chips brought about by the epidemic in 2021, the foundry industry has launched a new round of production expansion. From 2022 to 2024, the main process capacity expansion will be 28/40nm. According to Sigmaintell’s data, by the end of 2024, the global 28/40nm wafer capacity will increase by about 40%. Due to the continuous growth of new capacity and the time required for production line adjustment affected by customer order cuts, the capacity utilization rate of the mature process of foundries has gradually loosened.

According to Sigmaintell’s research data, since 22Q2, the capacity utilization rate of foundries has begun to decline due to the impact of order cuts by downstream customers. Due to the relatively single product structure, 8-inch foundries are more affected than 12-inch foundries. World Advanced (VIS) and PSMC's 22Q3 capacity utilization rate dropped to about 90%, and there is expected to be a similar decline in 22Q4. Hefei Nexchip (Nexchip) has a relatively high proportion of DDICs in its product structure, which led the capacity utilization rate to fall to about 75% in 22Q3, and may fall below 70% in 22Q4. UMC also gave a conservative forecast of 90% capacity utilization in 22Q5. In contrast, TSMC is less affected due to the competitive advantages of advanced processes and the diversification of product structures.

There are currently two main options for foundries to maintain healthy capacity utilization. One is to cut prices (or offer discounts equivalent to price cuts) to keep customer orders. The other is to transfer capacity to other applications with relatively strong demand, such as industrial chips and automotive chips.

Fabless: Generally declines in profit and seeking new growth points
In the context of a cold-winter market, Fabless began to experience hard times. According to Sigmaintell’s data, in 22H1, the operating profit margin of Fabless generally declined. The response strategies still focus on promoting technology upgrades and application expansion, such as accelerating the penetration of TDDI into automotive applications.

Novatek's performance in the second and third quarters of 2022 showed a significant decline. In 22Q2, its revenue was TWD 31.461 billion, down 13.8% from the previous quarter and its revenue in 22Q3 was only TWD 19.564 billion, a decrease of 37.8% from Q2. Profit margins also decreased to 21.7%. Despite the current sluggish market, Novatek remains confident in the mid-to-long-term market. In 2023, Novatek will switch OLED DDI from the 40nm process to the more cost-effective 28nm process, increasing the gross profit margin by increasing the added value of products.

Himax’s revenue in 22Q2 was USD 3.126 billion, down 24.2% from the previous quarter. Himax’s inventory level is still rising and will reach the highest level of the year in 22Q3. However, the expected demand for automotive display and tablet chips may recover in Q4, helping revenue recover again.

Raydium's revenue in 22Q2 was TWD 7.024 billion, down 8.8% from the previous quarter. According to the market assessment, it will take at least two to three quarters to reduce inventory levels. Raydium's performance forecast for 22H2 is not optimistic and is expected to continue declining.

Due to the high inventory pressure, Focaltech's performance in 22Q2 considerably declined, especially the operating profit margin, which is only 0.7%. However, Focaltech said it is currently actively deploying automotive TDDI products and has optimistic expectations for revenue recovery in 22H2.

Trend Outlook: Display driver chip (DDIC) prices will fall to the level in early 2021, and foundries should actively control production
Under the pressure of destocking in the overall market, the price of DDICs fell significantly in 22H1. According to Sigmaintell's analysis and forecast, the industry inventory level will return to normal in 23H2 at the earliest. However, due to the lack of a short-term boost in demand, the price of DDICs will remain on the decline until the end of 2023. Sigmaintell suggests that foundries should focus on reducing production and controlling capacity, supplemented by price cuts, to narrow the range of price declines.
Sigmaintell forecasts that by the end of 2023, the price of DDICs will fall to the level of early 2021. As the relationship between supply and demand tends to balance, the trend of DDIC prices will gradually return to the traditional off-peak season cycle.

In summary, in the short term, the DDIC market will focus on destocking, and prices will continue to decline. The decline depends on the rhythm of the foundries' production control. In the long term, assuming macro factors such as epidemic lockdown and geopolitical sanctions will no longer escalate, end demand will gradually return to normal. But the global consumer electronics market in the "post-epidemic era" will still take time to recover to regular demand. Alleviating the oversupply problem in the next few years will require foundries and fabless to upgrade products and seek potential application markets.










联咏(Novatek)2022年二季度和三季度业绩出现明显下滑,2022年三季度营收314.61亿新台币,环比下降13.8%,而22Q3营收仅195.64亿新台币,环比降幅达到37.8%,营业利润率也下滑至21.7%。尽管目前市场疲软,联咏仍对中长期市场抱有信心。在2023年联咏将把OLED DDI由40nm制程转向性价比更高的28nm制程,通过提高产品附加价值来提升毛利率。




趋势展望: 显示驱动芯片(DDIC)价格将跌至2021年初水平,晶圆厂应积极控产

综上,短期来看, 显示驱动芯片市场将以库存去化为主基调,价格将保持下行,下行幅度取决于晶圆代工厂的控产节奏。长期来看,在宏观因素如:疫情管控、地缘政治的干扰不再升级的前提下,终端需求将逐步回归正常,但处于“后疫情期”的全球消费电子市场仍需要一定时间才能重新回归正常需求水平。而未来几年内的供应过剩难题,需要晶圆代工和芯片设计厂商进行产品升级和寻求潜力应用市场来缓解。
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