
Top Ten Trends of Global High-Tech Industry Development in 2022

发布时间: 2022/01/14 关注度: 301

1. Affected by the long-term impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the hybrid working model has emerged and gradually mainstreamed.

Based on Sigmaintell's survey of users in six major countries in the world, including developed and developing countries, we found that the hybrid working model has emerged and gradually become mainstream. The connotation of this hybrid working model refers to at-home and semiat-home mixed office status.

55% of the respondents indicated that they are still working from at-home and semi-at-home in the post-pandemic period, which means that more than half of the global user base continues to the hybrid working model. What does that mean for consumer electronics and the industry? It means that more than half of the working hours are in the state of remote work. Because the needs of remote work brought about by the hybrid working model, including the need for remote communication and remote collaboration, have great potential for product performance and product specification upgrades. This is an aspect of product upgrades seen based on the mainstreaming of the hybrid working model.


2. In the post-epidemic era, the gaming crowd has gradually become mainstream. 

Among the gamers surveyed by Sigmaintell's user survey, nearly 60% of the global gaming people surveyed are moderate to heavy gamers. At present, people have a lot of entertainment in their spare time, and gaming can occupy the user's time for more than 2 hours. Such a high proportion shows its importance. The importance of gaming in the entertainment of daily life for people of all ages and occupations has become higher than before the epidemic. Therefore, as they attach more importance to and stick to gaming entertainment activities, their demands for product performance also increase. There are bound to be more opportunities for upgrades.


3. Multi-screen integration and collaboration become a major trend.

As early as before the epidemic, the industry discussed the Internet of Things and multi-category integration. In fact, we did not see the real scene landing. However, according to the survey data of Sigmaintell, it can be seen that under the catalysis of the epidemic, the scenes of multi-screen integration in daily life have increased significantly. First of all, handheld gaming devices are heavily connected to TVs and monitors. The highest proportion of handheld gaming devices is as high as 30%, and the proportion of handheld gaming devices connected to monitors has also reached more than 20%. The two categories of TVs and monitors are mutually exclusive competitions in the game scenarios played by users. Secondly, with the rise of the growing hybrid working model, the multi-screen office is required, such as a remote office with a monitor, local productivity activities with the notebook, etc. Thirdly, as the most mobile electronic product, the mobile phone has the most diversified interconnectivity and has an even proportion of connections with all categories. In general, whether it is for office activities or entertainment activities, the interconnection between categories is very diversified, and there will be an imbalance between categories.

4. A cross-category competition situation is taking shape and controlling the direction of product upgrades.

There is a competitive relationship between various categories of multi-screen interconnection in different scenarios. In other words, as user usage scenarios change, the boundaries of various categories are being broken. Based on this, we believe that the industry chain, especially upstream manufacturers, can no longer look at the product direction conventionally when developing products, but should see how the products have more experience and added value compared with other categories in the specific usage scenarios of users. Therefore, in the design of products, the thinking of cross-border competition should be integrated, which will be crucial to the competitiveness of products in the future.

5. It is expected that the growth of the new energy vehicle market in 2022 will consume the 8-inch wafer capacity of 250K per month.

Vehicles have attracted much attention. On the one hand, due to the explosive growth of the new energy vehicle industry, the shipment of new energy vehicles in China has more than doubled in the first three quarters of last year, and it has also increased significantly in Europe. Sigmaintell's global survey found that Chinese consumers play the role of pioneers in the global market for new energy vehicles and smart vehicles.

The explosive growth of the new energy vehicle industry has significantly driven the capacity consumption of display and semiconductor ICs. According to the forecast of Sigmaintell, the global shipments of new energy vehicles are expected to increase by 3% in 2022 compared with 2021, and new energy vehicles are equipped with more and more semiconductors. In 2022, a new energy vehicle will be equipped with 1,500 chips as standard, which is about the 8-inch Wafer capacity. Based on this conversion, the wafer demand brought by the increase in new energy vehicles in 2022 will be as high as about 250K per month. From the perspective of display panel consumption, new energy vehicles consume an average of 2.5 displays per unit, which will also bring huge demand for vihicle displays.



6. Semiconductor supply and demand will gradually ease in the second half of 2022, but structural supply and demand imbalances will still exist. The supply and demand relationship of display panels is looser than that in 2021.

Regarding the supply and demand relationship of semiconductor ICs, it is necessary to deeply explore how the current supply and demand imbalance occurs. The reasons behind the shortage of supply and demand imbalance are complex.

Based on the analysis of changes in the inventory of end products such as TV and mobile phones, the inventory of panel factories, and the inventory of global independent foundries, we focus on comparing the laws of the three horizontal trends. We found that there is a cycle lag in consumer electronics brand inventory feedback to fab inventory changes. 

Sigmaintell believes that fab inventory changes lag the consumer electronics end market inventory changes by about two quarters. Why can panel makers quickly respond to changes in set inventory while fabs cannot? According to Sigmaintell's analysis, there are the following reasons.

First, the panel production cycle is shorter than the wafer fabrication cycle. Secondly, panel and wafer manufacturing are different in the division of labor in the global supply chain. Most of the division of labor in panels is concentrated in Asia, especially around mainland China, covering panel manufacturing, module manufacturing, and machine manufacturing. The wafer supply chain is more fragmented. Wafer manufacturing is mostly distributed in Taiwan, South Korea, packaging and testing in Southeast Asia, and finally back to mainland China for assembly. Wafer manufacturing has a long supply chain and a more decentralized global division of labor, which is more susceptible to the fluctuation of the epidemic, so the change cycle of responding to set inventory will also be longer.

Based on the above inventory index deduction and prediction logic, Sigmaintell believes that the current inventory of mature processes and wafer inventory are below healthy levels. With the inventory of set brands still running at a high level, the inventory of the fab will start to rise in 22Q1 and will reach a high level in 22Q3, that is, the inventory of the fab will be at a healthy high level in the second half of 2022. The high level of inventory is a weather vane for the change of supply and demand relationship, which means that the supply and demand relationship will usher in a significant relief, which will be reflected in the downward price.

Of course, under the overall downward trend of major semiconductor device prices, we believe that structural risks will still exist. Due to the complexity of the semiconductor process, the same 8-inch wafer has different conditions for different products. Especially in some process stages, the concentration of suppliers is relatively high, the speed of production expansion is different, and structural risks still exist. For example, we believe that Chipset 4G and 5G are expected to decline in advance from 22Q2, while OLED Driver ICs and batteries, which continue to be affected by new energy vehicles, will continue to see upward price trends.

In terms of panels, TV inventory is the first to reflect changes in end demand. It will start to decline in 21Q3. It is expected that the downward cycle will stabilize in 22Q2. Monitor and Notebook are relatively slow for one to two quarters, so the first half of 2022 will be in an overall decline in the cycle. Overall, the supply-demand relationship for panels will be looser in 2022 than in 2021.

7. The global semiconductor supply chain will face deep restructuring and regional technological differentiation.

In 2022, the global supply chain will face restructuring. So, what changes will the refactoring bring to the entire supply chain, and what impact will it have? First of all, from the perspective of the global distribution of independent wafer foundry customers, the data for the first three quarters of 2021 shows that compared with the proportions in 2021 and 2019, the position of North American customers in the entire global independent foundry value chain is improving, up from 51% in 2019 to 55%. The Asia Pacific and Europe declined slightly. From the perspective of the customer base, there is overall differentiation. The rise in North America comes from advanced processes, and the mature process declines; although the overall regional value in the Asia Pacific has declined, the price of mature processes has risen. From the perspective of production and manufacturing, based on the manufacturer's investment and expansion strategy, looking at 2024, how will the future production layout change under the full-fledged capacity investment plan? North America has many customers with advanced manufacturing processes, including Apple, AMD, etc. The U.S. government is also encouraging investment in setting up factories. However, it is expected that in North America as a whole, despite the strong demand for advanced manufacturing processes in 2024, only about 20% of them will be manufactured. The largest share of advanced process growth is in Taiwan, China, which is expected to reach 64%, and Taiwan, China, for mature processes, also reaches 40%. The main growth in mainland China comes from mature processes, which are expected to reach 31% of the global share in 2024. In general, from the perspective of foundry manufacturing, the differentiation between regions reflects the differentiation of each region on different process nodes, as well as the differentiated advantages in different fields.

8. It is estimated that by the end of 2022, mainland Chinese manufacturers will account for 30% of the global display driver IC (DDIC) wafer manufacturing market, playing a key role in the global market.

It is worth mentioning that the driver IC (DDIC) of wafer foundries in mainland China has grown. According to the forecast of Sigmaintell, by 22Q4, Chinese mainland wafer makers will supply nearly 30% of the global DDIC. Mainland China fabs play a key role in the global mature process market. On the one hand, they benefit from the release of their capacity and expansion, and on the other hand, they also benefit from the local supply chain, that is, the huge capacity of the Chinese panel market and global market position for local supply chains. This development is further accelerated by the shortage of DDICs in 2021.

9. The supply chain relationship between panel makers and set brands will face differentiation and reorganization.

Entering the post-epidemic period, with the accelerated trend of technological upgrading and the reallocation of resources, set brands are also re-selecting strategic partners. The Chinese mainland panel maker BOE has strengthened its cooperative relationship with major global leading brands, including Apple, Dell, HP, and other cooperative relationships with steady growth. TCL CSOT and HKC have strengthened their IT business and actively strengthened cooperative relations with IT brands. In terms of Korean manufacturers, SDC has formulated a strategy to fully withdraw from LCD, and its OLED strategy has become more active. It is actively strengthening cooperation with growing mobile phone brands such as Apple and Xiaomi, as well as some IT brands. LGD adopts a strategy of developing both LCD and OLED and is also seeking cooperation with more international brands. In 2022, it will push WOLED to Samsung Electronics to strengthen the introduction and depth of cooperation.

10. The main theme of the market trend in 2022 is that the market is unfavorable but the structural transformation is accelerated. It is recommended to upgrade the product structure to drive the industry from cyclical to growth.

The main investment in the semiconductor IC field will be concentrated on 12-inch wafers, which have advantages in terms of production efficiency, cost advantage, and economic scale. 8-inch wafers are mainly manufacturers of mature processes, and will also usher in a small growth. Overall, Sigmaintell’s data shows that in 2021, the global semiconductor wafer independent foundry will have a 25% sales growth, while the growth rate of capital expenditure will be 68%. At present, all fabs are actively expanding production, but the overall direction is that mature process manufacturers are more aggressive than advanced process manufacturers.

In terms of display panels, global panel capacity will increase significantly in 2022, and LCD is expected to grow by 10%. OLED investment will be more diversified. In the future, it will not only be limited to flexibility but also actively invest in Hybrid OLED and QDOLED, which will drive the penetration of OLED products from single mobile phones and TVs to medium-sized notebook and display applications. OLED technology is about to usher in a hundred flowers, which will eventually affect the market size of LCD.

Regarding the revenue of independent wafer foundries and panel factories in 2022, Sigmaintell predicts that under the overall sluggish market demand in 2022, panel makers will be faster than wafer makers to feedback changes in set demand. Coupled with panel capacity expansion is positive and will put pressure on panel prices, while foundries have managed to increase customer and offer prices in 2022, both of which have largely offset the adverse impact of demand fluctuations.

Therefore, Sigmaintell believes that the overall trend in 2022 is the main theme of the unfavorable market but structural transformation. We recommend that industry manufacturers think about strategies under this general trend, and initiate a major upgrade of product structure to meet user demand trends, driving the panel industry from a cyclical to a growth-oriented model.




1. 受新冠疫情的长期影响,混合办公模式兴起并逐步主流化。



2 后疫情时代,电竞人群逐步主流化。


3 多屏融合与协作成主要趋势。


4 跨品类竞争局面正在形成并左右着产品升级方向。


5 预计2022年新能源汽车市场的增长将可消化月均250K8英寸晶圆产能。



6 2022年下半年半导体供需逐渐缓解,但结构性供需失衡仍将存在。而显示面板供需关系全年较2021年宽松。






当然,在主要半导体器件价格整体下行趋势下,我们认为结构性风险仍将存在。因为半导体制程的复杂性,同样的8英寸晶圆,不同的产品情况均有不同,特别是部分制程阶段供应商集中度比较高,扩产的速度不同,结构性风险仍然存在。举例而言,我们认为,Chipset 4G5G预计2022年第二季开始会提前反应下降,OLED Driver IC,以及持续受到新能源车影响的电池,则是持续价格上行的趋势。


7 全球半导体供应链将面临深度重构和区域技术分化。


8 预计2022年底,中国大陆厂商在全球显示驱动ICDDIC)晶圆制造市场占比将达到30%,在全球市场扮演关键性角色。


9 面板厂商与终端品牌的供应链关系将面临分化与重组。


10 2022年市场趋势主旋律是大盘不利但结构转换加速,建议以产品结构大升级拉动产业从周期型转向成长型的模式。

半导体IC领域主要的投资将集中在12英寸晶圆, 从生产效率、成本优势和经济规模来看均有优势;8英寸晶圆主要是成熟制程的厂商,也将迎来小幅增长;整体而言,群智咨询(Sigmaintell)数据显示,2021年全球半导体晶圆独立代工厂会有25%的销售额成长,而资本支出的成长速度则为68%,当下所有的晶圆厂都在积极扩产,但是整体方向是成熟制程厂商比先进制程厂商更为激进。

显示面板方面,2022年全球面板产能将显著增长,LCD预计增长10%OLED投资将更加多元化,未来不仅局限于柔性,在Hybrid OLEDQDOLED方面也有积极投资,带动OLED的产品从单一手机、TV向中尺寸的笔记本、显示器应用渗透,OLED技术即将迎来百花齐放,最终也将影响LCD的市场规模。



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