
The impact of the epidemic in Shanghai/Kunshan on the automobile industry

发布时间: 2022/04/24 关注度: 274

Main Conclusion:

Component Makers: The auto Tier 1 supplier and component manufacturers in Shanghai have entered a dormant state of production and logistics since March 31. The average inventory of components in the leading OEMs can only last about two weeks. If the whole city remains blocked, besides car factories in Shanghai, OEMs in other regions will also face the risk of closure gradually. The temporary replacement cycle of Auto-Component-Suppliers is longer than that of Consumer Electronics.

OEMs: The main factors that make OEMs the most affected are the lack of employees in the production line and the difficulty in supplying auto components due to logistics constraints. Calculated from the beginning of April, if the production stoppage lasts for one month, the car production will reduce by about 180,000 units. It is rumored that some first-tier car companies will resume production from April 18 to April 22, and the city will begin to unblock on May 1, but the current situation is not optimistic. The affected companies mainly include Nio, SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC-GM, SAIC Motor, Tesla, Great Wall Motor, Geely, etc.

Industry: Production decline is the most intuitive impact of the epidemic outbreak and the lockdown in various places on the automotive industry. Auto production in Shanghai and Jilin accounts for about 10% of the whole country’s production. The impact of production cuts and shutdowns is enormous. In April, national auto production is expected to drop by 15-20% more than expected. The Yangtze River Delta region is the core area of the automobile supply chain. If relevant companies cannot resume work and production in the short term and the impact continues until May, a larger scale of car companies would shut down nationwide.

Specific Instructions:
OEMs/Car Companies:
Tier1 manufacturers:
Components Fab.:


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