Monthly Summary of Smartphone Camera Market in Mar.22

发布时间: 2022/04/15 关注度: 276

Part 1: Set Market
Grand Market
In Feb, the shipment of China mainland was around 22.9mil. and YoY declined around 11.8%. Considering COVID-19 controlling and Chinese lunar year, consumers showed lower interested in smartphone changing. The 4G penetration in Feb. was around 15.5% and made a little growth in comparison with previous month. Even though the worse demand, Xiaomi and oppo had a good performance from market share side, the market share of them had growth around 1.9 and 1.2 points MoM.
Considering COVID-19 controlling in domestic and Russia & Ukraine conflict, the demand of grand market will be possible down from 1335mil. to 1320mil. The domestic forecast of 2022 had been adjusted from 319mil. in Jan. to 310mil. in Feb.

Part 2: CMOS Image Sensor Market

Affected by the unfavorable impact of the epidemic and international political factors, the global economic growth is weaker than expected, and the inflation rate has risen sharply. Developed countries will tighten monetary policy, and developing countries' demand will be suppressed. China's economic growth rate has slowed down, both the manufacturing and service industries are under pressure, and the momentum of domestic demand continues to be insufficient.......

Part 3. Hot Topic

1. Glass Imaging improves mobile phone quality with anamorphic lenses
2. HUINEW Technology received tens of millions of A+ rounds of investment to expand the 100-level dust-free production line of AR/VR optical modules
3. Meitu releases six new images to enhance users' needs for all-round beauty in life and work
4. OPPO invests in vision sensor developer AlpsenTek, holding 5.05%
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