Global Mobile Phone CIS Market gets worse. It is recommended to layout multi-level product lines; Combine capacity advantages; Gain more market share

发布时间: 2022/05/25 关注度: 316

Core Points:
• In 2022Q1, the global mobile phone CIS' shipments were about 1.13 billion units, a YoY decrease of approximately 27.0%.
• Capacity: In 22H1, mobile phone pixel capacity was sufficient, and low-end pixel capacity sought localization.
• Demand: Market demand in Europe and mainland China has suffered multiple blows, and the Latin American and Africa market may be able to stand out.
• Products: The upgrade of pixel format shows polarization, "The main camera goes up, Sub-camera goes down."
• Competitions: Leading makers will use capacity advantages to control supply or change the adversity, and local makers will seek opportunities through differentiation.
• Suggestions: Improve product functional value, upgrade product structure, and be cautious in large-scale expansion.

With the gradual loosing of overseas epidemic control, market demand has begun to recover. However, the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the multiple rounds of sanctions imposed by Western countries on energy have made the original "high inflation" situation in many European and American countries even more severe. Those factors have aggravated consumers' living pressure and inhibited the purchasing power of non-essential goods. At the same time, China's repeated epidemics and strict epidemic prevention policies have had a significant impact on the production and demand in the domestic market, which has increased the instability of the mobile phone CIS markets' demand and supply, and the supply-demand relationship has also increased significantly due to short-term factors.
Based on the above factors, since the beginning of this year, the global smartphone market demand has continued to decline; Downstream ends have gradually begun to adjust their shipments, procurement plan, and product strategies. These impacts have also been transmitted to the CIS market. According to the survey data of Sigmaintell, the global mobile phone CIS shipments in 22Q1 were about 1.13 billion, down about 27.0% YoY, and the shipments in the second quarter will either be pessimistic. Next, we will analyze its dynamic changes in supply and demand.
Capacity: In 22H1, mobile phone pixel capacity was sufficient, and low-end pixel capacity sought localization.
In early 2022, upstream wafer foundries' prices have risen to the highest level, and the capacity of the mature process of the head fabs has also increased slightly. TSMC, UMC, LSI, and others are all actively expanding the production process of 40nm/28nm and below. TSMC and UMC's plan to build a new 28nm factory is also on schedule, and it is expected to release capacity by 2023 gradually. Sigmaintell predicts that the global 28nm capacity for CIS applications will increase by about 12.1% YoY in 2022, which also means that the capacity of high-end CIS used in smartphones is in a steady growth state. Without emergencies, the global supply relationship of high-end CIS for smartphones is expected to show a relatively balanced or slightly surplus status in 2022.
Sigmaintell follow up and analysis the upstream capacity plan of low-end CIS and found that the capacity of 8-inch foundries tends to accelerate the transfer to 12-inch, and the acceleration of the transfer to mainland China fabs is pronounced, mainly due to the following factors: First, the price of 8-inch wafer foundries such as Samsung, TSMC, and DB Hitek has increased several times since 2021, making the sensor makers' cost pressure exceed expectations. The profit margin began to decline, so they had to consider transferring capacity. Second, the fabs in mainland China are gradually improving the capacity of CIS products, the BSI and Stack technical capabilities, and the industry chain is also being improved rapidly. Coupled with the stimulation of relevant preferential policies, localized sensor makers accelerate transfer capacity to domestic foundries. Third, Chinese mainland fabs attract some overseas leading sensor fabless maker with muscular technical strength by their cost and industrial chain advantages.

Demand: European and Chinese market demand has suffered multiple blows, and the Latin American and Africa market may be able to stand out
According to Sigmaintell's latest forecasted data in May, the global CIS' set-market demand is expected to be about 4.95 billion in 2022, a YoY decrease of about 2.7% and a 3.4% drop from the forecast data at the beginning of the year.
On the one hand, Europe and mainland China's market demand declined, profoundly impacting domestic set markers. Since March, domestic set markers have lowered their procurement  plans for the whole year and adjusted their product plan, focusing on a stable and profitable image upgrade strategy, which has caused the proportion of multi-cameras in domestic set markers to shrink further. The ratio of quad-cameras has dropped to less than 10%, and three cameras dominate mid-to-high-end models.
On the other hand, set marker enterprises have begun to increase their weight in the Latin American and Africa market, planned a variety of ultra-low-end models, and been ready to seek breakthroughs in the Latin American and Africa market. Regarding image specifications, the cost is highly controlled, VGA and QVGA are reproduced in the secondary camera of smartphones, and there is a trend of squeezing 2M. It is not ruled out that the average unit price of CIS in smartphones in 2022 may show a downward trend.

Product: The upgrade of pixel format shows polarization, "The main camera goes up, Sub-camera goes down."
Last year's high inventory affected low-end pixel products, especially 2M pixel sensor. In 22Q1, the shipment of smartphones' 2M pixel sensor was about 220 million, a YoY decrease of approximately 41.6%. Next, the demand for 2M pixel products will be squeezed by lower pixel products such as VGA and QVGA, and the demand will further decline.
The development trends of high-end pixel products were divided into two directions. First, the demand for large-high pixel products used as the main camera was gradually improving and had an upgrading trend; they also became the leading solution for upgrading high-end flagship smartphones. In 22Q1, the global smartphone 50M (1.0u and above) sensor shipments were about 24 million, a YoY increase of approximately 271.4%. Second, as for small-high pixel products, their optical effects are not as good as large pixel products, and there are some differences in consumer experience, so the overall demand is slightly lower than that of 50M (1.0u and above), but the overall sales volume in the first quarter are still considerable. In 22Q1, the shipment of smartphones' 108M (0.8u and below) chips was about 22 million, a YoY increase of approximately 191.8%.

Competition: Leading makers will use capacity advantages to control supply and may have the ability to change the adversity, and local makers will seek opportunities through differentiation
In 22Q1, with the continued growth of Sony's customer Apple, Sony still leads the industry in a declining market environment. At the same time, among set markers in mainland China, Sony has deployed multi-structured product lines and specially customized strategies, which have been highly recognized by customers. The excellent performance at the customer level has laid a good demand foundation for Sony's continuous expansion of 28nm process capacity. In 22Q1, its global shipments of 50M (1.0u and above) pixel chips increased by 324.3% YoY, maintaining a solid position in the large pixel market.
In 22Q1, Samsung's 50M (0.64u) products, with absolute advantages in capacity and price, quickly occupied the main camera share of low-end and mid-end sets and became the leading supplier of 50M main cameras' small pixel. In 2021, Samsung will increase the price of low-end pixel products aggressively. With sufficient capacity and supply, Samsung is expected to adjust its price strategy to gain more market share this year.
In 22Q1, both shipments and sales were weak due to the lack of competitiveness of their product portfolios and the price increase of upstream wafer foundries. Sigmaintell suggests that in the context of declining overall market demand this year, it is necessary to appropriately adjust products and sales strategies based on its own products' characteristics.
Summary: Improve products' functional values, upgrade product structure, and be cautious in large-scale expansion
In the face of multiple unfavorable factors such as repeated domestic epidemics, geopolitical conflicts, and continued inflation, the market will remain weak in the short term, especially after smartphone CIS have undergone upgrades and adjustments and gradually enter the stock market. Facing the complex and challenging CIS market in 2022, Sigmaintell has three suggestions:
First, enhance the functional values of products and develop more optical fusion technologies. When the pixel upgrade reaches a certain peak, the supply chain may need to consider embedding intelligent algorithms and differentiated (such as multi-spectral) functions based on existing sensors to compete for homogeneous products.
Second, actively explore new application scenarios, and develop segmented application products based on the advantages of its resources and R&D capabilities. With the rapid development of 5G networks, industrial Internet, short video, live broadcast, and other application scenarios have emerged. It is necessary to consider the characteristics of the application scenarios and develop targeted video modes or photo modes.
Third, expand production reasonably and comply with the trend of upgrading capacity structure. Next, expand the production reasonably, in line with the upgrading trend of capacity structure. In the context of declining market demand, it is necessary to control the capacity utilization rate carefully and, at the same time, actively gain insight into the opportunities and timing of future product structure upgrades and transfers.








群智咨询(Sigmaintell)对低阶图像传感器上游的产能规划跟踪及分析发现,8英寸代工的产能有加速向12英寸转移的倾向,尤其是向中国大陆晶圆厂转移加速明显,主要受以下影响因素:第一,三星、台积电、东部高科(DB Hitek)等8英寸晶圆代工价格自2021年多次涨价后,促使芯片商的成本压力超过预期且利润率开始下滑,以至于不得不考虑转移产能;第二,中国大陆晶圆厂不仅在图像传感器类产品产能及BSI、Stack技术能力逐步提升,并且产业链也在加速完善中,加之相关优惠政策刺激等,本土化芯片商加速向国内晶圆代工转移产能;第三,中国大陆晶圆厂利用成本及产业链优势,吸引了一些技术实力雄厚的海外头部芯片设计公司。


根据群智咨询(Sigmaintell)5月最新数据预测,2022年预计全球图像传感器终端市场需求约为49.5亿颗, 同比去年下降约2.7%,较年初的预测数据下滑了3.4%。















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