Hiding Brightness and Coexisting with Crisis——Analysis of the Impact of New Regulations on the Semiconductor Industry in Mainland China

发布时间: 2022/10/26 关注度: 276

Recently, the US Department of Commerce issued a series of new Export Administration Regulations (EAR), with 139 pages of new regulations, mainly for export control of the semiconductor industry. Sigmaintell's analysis of its impact is as follows.

Undoubtedly, the above-mentioned new regulations are intended to slow down further the mass production supply of advanced processes in mainland China, stabilize and consolidate the leading position of the United States in the field of advanced semiconductor technology, and will have an inhibitory effect on the semiconductor industry in mainland China in the short term. The differences between Chinese and Western cultures and the thought patterns have profoundly affected the development of the global semiconductor industry. With the gradual increase in global capacity and sluggish demand, the global semiconductor industry is entering a downward cycle, and the situation is "oversupply and demand.”

According to Sigmaintell’s data, the global semiconductor foundry revenue is expected to drop by about 14% YoY in 2023.It is expected that the new regulations will not substantially impact the supply and demand of the semiconductor industry but will affect the regional structure of global semiconductor supply, further delaying the rise of mainland semiconductors in the global market.

After the news of sanctions was released, US-based semiconductor equipment manufacturers suspended services to Chinese customers. Within a week of the issuance of the new EAR, some equipment factory engineers were evacuated from Chinese customers' factories. The delivery of uncompleted equipment orders and the installation of already delivered equipment has also been suspended. Although some suppliers are likely to wait and see before the implementation rules of the new EAR are released, considering that the possibility of loose implementation of the regulations in the future is very low, more companies may respond to the new EAR, which will affect the speed and efficiency of Chinese mainland semiconductors industry.

For example: the current mainstream NAND suppliers have upgraded their technology to 232L, and above, 64L will be phased out in the next few years, and 128L will gradually be downgraded to low-end products. Affected by the new regulations, mainland NAND manufacturers are catching up with Samsung and Armor. The timeline of leading manufacturers such as Samsung, KIOXIAand SK Hynix is bound to be further elongated.

On the other hand, DRAM industry giants Samsung, Micron, and SK Hynix have processes below 1znm. Micron announced 1αnm mass production in mid-2021, while Samsung’s 1βnm is already under development and is expected to be mass-produced in 2023. If equipment materials and technical support are discontinued, the gap between mainland DRAM manufacturers and leading manufacturers will inevitably widen as competitors' more advanced new processes are launched.

According to Sigmaintell’s analysis, although only a few companies in mainland China are related to restricted advanced process technologies related to the new EAR, the end-use restriction clause in the new regulations emphasizes that as long as the equipment or technology can meet the needs of producing advanced processes in terms of process capability, so it is still within the scope of export control, which may further expand the scope of influence. If the new regulations continue to be implemented, the capacity expansion of IDMs and foundries in mainland China will be affected. Among them, production lines with more advanced processes are at a higher risk of being blocked.

The new regulations undoubtedly warn the Chinese industry that the development of Chinese chips is too dependent on foreign technology. After the release of the new EAR, it is bound to further promote the establishment of an independent semiconductor industry chain in China.

The current localization process for mainland China's semiconductor industry faces several challenges. First, the technology is relatively backward. It takes talent, capital, and time to break down technical barriers gradually and narrow the gap with major suppliers. Second, the introduction of new materials and new equipment is difficult. It requires not only the verification period but also the verification opportunity. Under the current environment, end customers are more vigilant about process changes caused by localization.

Since the first half of 2022, the semiconductor market has entered a downward cycle, with sluggish end demand and reduced orders. IDMs and foundries have already faced dual pressures on prices and production. Under the influence of the new EAR, Chinese mainland semiconductor manufacturers face bottlenecks in equipment maintenance and technology upgrades in the long term. The semiconductor industry in mainland China will be under pressure for a long time, and the future trend of the global semiconductor industry pattern from globalization to regionalization will become more obvious.
China's semiconductor companies will face a brain drain as EAR prohibit Americans from supporting advanced semiconductor manufacturing in China. At the same time, due to being forced to abandon the Chinese market, US equipment factories have to reduce their business, which will affect the performance of factories. Applied Materials lowered its financial forecast for the fourth quarter of 2022 on October 12, and other factories have also released news of modest forecasts.

With the strict implementation of the new regulations, the progress of advanced processes will slow down in the short term, and the focus of the semiconductor industry in mainland China may focus on mature processes. Automotive chips may become a popular track.
In the current sluggish chip market, automotive chips are still in relatively strong demand. Most automotive chips are mature processes and less affected by EAR. In the slow consumer electronics market, Chinese fabs have more incentives to accelerate automative-grade certification and switch to the automotive chip market.

Overseas manufacturers such as Samsung and SK Hynix can reduce the impact of EAR by applying for temporary licenses. However, these manufacturers believe that the supply chain risk of factories in mainland China is still high. In addition, applying for these licenses requires demonstrating to the US Department of Commerce that the end user and product use are compliant. This means that these manufacturers must give up the Chinese mainland market to obtain a license from the US Department of Commerce. This will make overseas manufacturers already building factories lose their motivation to continue investing and expanding production. Those who have not yet built factories may turn to other regions, such as their home country and Southeast Asia.

Sigmaintell believes that different regions and countries all play an essential role in the division of labor and cooperation in the global semiconductor supply chain. "Seeking common ground while reserving differences" can maintain the stable development of the semiconductor industry chain and acknowledges that Europe and the United States are leading the technology in the global semiconductor industry. At the same time, it is necessary to face the shortcomings of the domestic supply chain. End customers should also have more courage to promote the introduction and testing of upstream materials and equipment and lead local materials and equipment to enter the "golden period" of development. The industry needs to “Hide Brightness and Coexist with Crisis.”


近日,美国商务部新发布了一系列出口管制条例(Export Administration Regulations,EAR),新增规定长达139页,主要针对半导体产业进行出口管制。群智咨询(Sigmaintell)对其影响分析如下:















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