
发布时间: 2023/03/02 关注度: 792





从处理器厂商来看,苹果主要采用自研的A系列芯片,根据群智咨询(Sigmaintell)调查数据,2022年苹果的A系列处理器芯片出货量约为2.3亿颗,其出货量的市场份额约为19%。苹果不断稳固和台积电先进制程的代工关系,2023年的苹果A17处理器也会率先使用台积电的3nm先进制程,为iPhone 15新机的竞争力提供保障。



2022年三星的智能手机处理器芯片出货量约为7700万颗,其主要供应为三星手机,5G芯片的贡献率约为75%。其大陆客户主要为vivo,受到2021年的合作关系影响,2022年其出货大陆的芯片受到一定影响。展望2023年,受到三星晶圆技术代工等多因素影响,三星的Exynos 2300芯片从量产转为研发,其高端旗舰系列的处理器芯片也全部从高通采购,势必会影响到其2023年业务表现。




Y22 global smartphone SoC shipments were about 1.24 Bil, and the 5G penetration rate was about 52%

Core Topics:
In 2022, the global smartphone SoC shipments were about 1.24 Bil, and the 5G penetration rate was about 52%
Leading makers have obvious competitive advantages. Qualcomm made a profit of 13 Bil USD, with a net profit margin of 29%, an increase of 2.4% YoY
Global leading makers continue to be under pressure, and mainland chip makers’ challenges intensify

In 2022, the global smartphone SoC shipments were about 1.24 Bil, and the 5G penetration rate was about 52%

According to Sigmaintell’s survey data, the global smartphone SoC shipments in 2022 were about 1.24 Bil, of which the 4G SoC shipments were about 600 Mil, and the 5G SoC shipments were about 6.4 Mil. The penetration rate of global 5G SoC shipments was about 51.7%. Affected by multiple factors such as SoC inventory and sluggish end demand, it is expected that global smartphone SoC shipments will decline to 1.11 Bil in 2023, and the penetration rate of 5G SoCs is expected to rise to about 62%.

Leading makers have obvious competitive advantages. Qualcomm made a profit of 13 Bil USD, with a net profit margin of 29%, an increase of 2.4% YoY

From the perspective of SoC makers, Apple mainly uses self-developed A-series chips. According to Sigmaintell’s survey data, Apple’s shipments of A-series SoCs were about 230 Mil in 2022. The market share was about 19%. Apple continues to strengthen its foundry relationship with TSMC's advanced manufacturing process. The Apple A17 SoC in 2023 will also be the first to use TSMC's 3nm advanced manufacturing process to provide protection for the competitiveness of the new iPhone 15.

Despite the impact of chip inventory, Qualcomm still adheres to the "profit orientation.” According to the company's fiscal report, Qualcomm's fiscal year Y22 revenue was 44.2 Bil USD, and its net profit reached 13 Bil USD, an increase of 4 Bil USD compared with 2021. At the same time, it continues to occupy a solid position in high-end flagship chips with high added value. In 2022, its net profit margin was about 29.4%, a YoY increase of about 2.4%. According to Sigmaintell’s survey data, in 2022, Qualcomm shipped about 330 Mil smartphone SoCs, of which 5G chips shipped about 190 Mil, and the contribution rate of 5G chips was about 58%, which is higher than the industry average.

In addition to the advantages of mid-to-low-end chips, MTK also continued to make efforts on high-end chips in 2022. It has successively released mid-to-high-end smartphone SoCs such as D9000 and D8000. And it will compete head-on with Qualcomm on high-end chips. According to Sigmaintell’s survey data, MTK shipped about 470 Mil smartphone SoCs in 2022, of which 5G chips shipped about 180 Mil, and the contribution rate of 5G chips was about 38%, which is lower than the industry average. Undoubtedly, from the absolute value of SoC shipments, MTK’s SoC shipments were about 140 Mil more than Qualcomm’s, which has a certain scale advantage, but it is still inferior to Qualcomm in terms of profitability. According to the Y22 fiscal report, MTK’s annual revenue was about 18.5 Bil USD, with a profit of 4 Bil USD. Compared with 2021, its revenue has increased by nearly 2 Bil USD. In terms of profitability, its net profit margin was about 21.5% in 2022. With inventory pressure and chip prices falling, its profit margin dropped by 1% YoY. From the perspective of net profit margin, the gap with Qualcomm’s net profit margin in 2022 is about 7.9%, compared with 4.3% in 2021, and the gap is gradually widening.

In 2022, Samsung's smartphone SoC shipments were about 77 Mil, its main supply was Samsung smartphones, and the contribution rate of 5G chips was about 75%. Its mainland customers are mainly vivo. Affected by the partnership in 2021, its chips shipped to the mainland in 2022 were affected. Looking forward to 2023, Samsung’s Exynos 2300 chip has shifted from mass production to R&D due to factors such as Samsung’s foundry technology and its high-end flagship series SoCs are all purchased from Qualcomm, which will inevitably affect its business performance in 2023.

Unisoc is the only mainland smartphone SoC maker with 4G and 5G products. Its smartphone SoC shipments in 2022 were about 220 Mil, and its 5G chip shipments contributed less than 2% and were mainly based on 4G chips. In the "chip shortage tide" in 2021, Unisoc received a large number of orders. 4G products have been used by customers such as Samsung, Transsion, and OPPO, and its 5G products, T760, T770, and T820, have also been launched. Feedback from end brands is conservative. In the process of changing from "out of stock" in 2021 to "oversupply" in 2022, Unisoc was slightly affected. The competitive pressure from Qualcomm and MTK is also increasing. How to deal with "oversupply" in such an environment is particularly important to seek effective marketing strategies.

Global leading makers continue to be under pressure, and mainland chip makers’ challenges intensify

Looking back at 2022, the consumer electronics market has been in a slump due to the impact of the R-U war, the mainland epidemic lockdown, and the energy crisis. Especially in 22H2, end makers focused on destocking and delayed the delivery time of smartphone SoCs. This phenomenon was transmitted to smartphone SoC makers, resulting in a decline in their Q4 financial data. According to fiscal report data, Qualcomm's net profit margin in 22Q4 was 24%, while MTK's net profit margin was only 17%, which is a decrease of 7-8% compared with 21Q4.
Entering 2023, head chip SoC makers have lowered their shipment targets for this year, focusing on ensuring product profits. Under the situation of oversupply of chips and interference from geopolitical policies, the challenges faced by the three mainland smartphone SoC makers (Unisoc, JLQ, HiSilicon) are also more severe. "Look at cash flow in the short term, and look at products in the long term", and finding a suitable product market strategy will become the layout of mainland chip makers.
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